by oneheartonemindnampa_htujk2 | May 9, 2022 | chemical purification, Emergency Preparedness, water filtration, water purification, Water Storage
First, let’s detail in layman’s terms, the difference between purification vs. filtration, and then examine when either or both might be appropriate or perhaps even necessary. Biologically contaminated water, is water that contains microorganisms, such as...
by oneheartonemindnampa_htujk2 | May 9, 2022 | Emergency Preparedness, Water Storage
Water is the most important thing you can store. At best you can live approximately 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and almost 30 days without food. But please do not take this as a challenge, as you will likely be in coma at the end of any of the 3 time...
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